The Grand Tasting rules

The guidelines we try to abide by in our camp.

  1. Never forget the funny.
  2. Mind your own shite. (Physical or emotional.)
  3. NO POLITICS IN CAMP! SCA or Modern. If you simply must politic, feel free to take it out onto the street. We will toss people out who cannot control their inner politician.
  4. Ask for help if you need it; help if you can, when it’s asked for.

The 3DC Grand Tasting starts just after dark. Event / camp rules for the night of the tasting remain unchanged from all previous years. The critical ones are as follows:

  1. Never forget the funny.
  2. Bringing one bottle of whisky affords you and up to 3 companions entry into the Grand Tasting.
  3. No alcohol other than whiskies will be allowed into camp or be visible during the tasting. (Typically we allow for a small table by the door if you need to rest your non whisky drink while you troll the tables.)
  4. If you are 3DC and have a hardship that prevents you from bringing a bottle, we’d rather you be there than skip it. Your good company is more important to us that bringing a dram to share. That said, if you are bringing friends, bring a bottle. To do otherwise is just rude. 😉
  5. For our purposes whisky is defined as a grain (not sugar) spirit: Whisky, whiskey, bourbon, rye, wheat whiskey, white dog or new spirit whiskies from any region of the world and by any spelling of the word for “Whiskies”.
  6. We try not encourage flavored whiskies but do not prohibit them. The tasting is intended to be about enjoying the drams themselves.
  7. Likewise adding ice to your dram is allowed, but not encouraged as an act of unsophistication, heathenism or barbarity. 😉

Special Rules:

  1. Random Clause: Bottles must be full-size, not sample, mini, or promotional ones.
  2. The Raz clause: Bottles must be full, or nearly so.
  3. Aliskye clause: Bottles must be full of grain based distilled spirit known as whisky and must be the whisky that is on the label.
  4. Preemptive Hunith (HEEn-īT͟H) clause: Invitations are only valid in the year they are presented to the receiver.

Not a rule, but bringing your own proper tasting glass has its own rewards.

If you are 3DC member in good standing, you are encouraged to help out on the tables. Everyone should spend some time doing this; it is very rewarding and you will learn a bunch from the people you are helping out. We can ALL use more whisky knowledge and this is a great and fun way to do it.

Likewise, please take a shift at the door.  We are pretty easy-going, but we do need to keep the riff raff / under-aged / free loaders at bay during the event. We need volunteers between dark and about 11PM. If you’ve seen the same person at the door for more than half-an-hour, please take a shift yourself so everyone can enjoy the evening.

Of course you can always take a gander at our “Rules” for “3DC Membership” here: